Science & Engineering
This section is an evolving compilation of documents providing insight into some of the mechanisms causing failures and/or decreased performance of internal combustion engines.
Carbon Deposits
Summary of knowledge carbon accumulations in an internal combustion engines.
Summary of causes and effects of carbon accumulations in internal combustion engines.
Emissions Control Technology
Direct Injection Technology
Thesis using mathematical simulation to get better understanding of the oil dynamics in an I.C. engine
ASTM Standard for testing oil volatility; PQI America
Well organized discussion on the importance of engine oil properties; Machinery Lubrication
Chemistry of Oil Oxydation processes, analysis, and control; Machinery Lubrication
This is a very early article in the Society of Automotive Engineering by Charles Kettering discussing the chemistry of combustion in the internal combustion engine.
This article describes the phenomena of air in fuel and its effects. It is a ‘Fact Sheet’ by Parker Hannifin Corporation.
This article from the Journal of Polish CIMAC discusses dissolved oxygen in diesel fuel and the forming the harmful compounds in exhaust gases such as NOx and PM.
This paper from 1925 addresses the problems associated to air dissolved in gasoline.
New York Times article by Willian Stewart in 1918 about the harm from carbon in engines.
Pages 46-48 describe the volume of air and water in fuel at various pressures.
Wikipedia summary of the theory and observation of fluid cavitation causes and effects on fluid stability and container damage.