Generators and pumps make up the majority of today’s stationary engines and whether you manage one or hundreds, Engine Angel can help you keep them running when you need them most. When used as an emergency backup power source or flood control pumping station, these stationary engines only run periodically, and it is essential that they run reliably when finally called upon to do so in an emergency situation. Mechanical problems can arise through such long periods of inactivity and will not trigger OBD codes, which is where regular SenX Assessments can provide that missing component of engine health information on the status of your valves, head gaskets, piston rings, cylinder walls and fuel injectors. Regular assessments allow for predictive failure analysis based on the rate of engine condition change over time.
Know that your pump or generator will run in peak condition when you need it most by calling 1-844-ENGINE-4; (844) 364-4634 or emailing to learn more about the most advanced predictive fleet management system available – Engine Angel.