


Railroad engines play a critical role in moving large amounts of cargo efficiently. The cost of an engine breakdown is much higher for a train than for a smaller piece of equipment, not just to repair the engine but to recover the disabled locomotive and replace it. Modern engines have sophisticated diagnostics and on-board computers, but even the most advanced sensors will not detect mechanical engine component failures such as poor valve seating, weak fuel injectors, excessive blow-by into the crank case, and damaged head gaskets. SenX Assessments can detect these mechanical conditions and with regular monitoring, provide predictive failure analysis based on the rate of engine condition change over time.

Know that your engines will run in peak condition when you need them most by calling 1-844-ENGINE-4; (844) 364-4634 or emailing support@PredictiveFleetTechnologies.com  to learn more about the most advanced predictive fleet management system available – Engine Angel.